Sunday, September 12, 2010


I really miss him right now, so I made this logo for him. This is what I feel right now, though I'm suffering from depression right now. 

We are not yet married so, we are really sacrificing for not seeing each other most of the time. I really want him here right now. I want him to stay with me now that I really need comfort.

I can't fully understand myself now. Maybe because of the thing that we both suffering. I hope things will get better for the both of us.

I need you, cause I love you Luigi Galanido.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I really, really love cats. :) So I decided to make a drawing representing a cat couple in love. ✼ It was really cute. I represent this cat as my boyfriend and me. :) I am so much in love to him.

Here's the drawing. Enjoy. Pass it to others.

It was my own design and drawing.


Here's the link to my Youtube Channel, where I uploaded some art stuffs.

Jhezinart. My Youtube account.

Hope you guys will visit it. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This photo was taken during our Organization Day. Using a DSLR, I captured this picture of my shoes and my boyfriend's shoes. I really love the way I edit this photo. It give a feeling of dramatic moment, inside this photo.

I also chose this a my header because I really like it. The blue one is his, and the pink one is mine. :)


My very own painting of my special someone◕‿◕ 
In art the most inspiring drawing/painting is your loved one as your model. ˋωˊ That was romantic and so 'kawaii.' 

Music is my Passion
Here's a drawing of my fiancé. I took a picture of him from Facebook and draw it. I really love this one. He is in a band, just like me. Check out this link for the Facebook group account of his band, Unfinished Dinner.

I'm sorry for the plain background :) Hope you guys still like it.